
This year I decided I wanted to create beautiful cakes...with no cake experience I found myself taking a wilton class. I fell in love with decorating cakes. One of the my favorite things about creating cakes are the tools. I want every tool imaginable to make decorating cakes easier. This blog will focus on my cakes and how I hope to continue to grow and progress as a cake decorator (if I can call myself that)


Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Baptism Cake

This was such a beautiful cake. I love making drapes!

Carebear Cake

This was such a fun cake to make...it was just too cute.
As you can see the rainbow started to crack a bit, since I had to eye ball how to make the shape when I did make the cake I had to force it correctly and it cracked. Its a learning process!

Futurama & Wall-e

Both these cakes I made for my BF Carol. This futurama cake was made for her Birthday party which had a futuristic theme. Lots of Fun!

This second cake was surprised by her co-workers. Because of a work joke they call Carol Wall-e and asked if I could make a wall-e cake for her Birthday.

Close up of wall-e and the sign of life back on earth!

And Eve-a.

Baby shower stork cake

This has been one of my favorite cakes thus far. The Landon...Soon complimented the invites.

Here is the baby...don't ask how i did it its a secret. lol

Here is the baby...

Dodger Onsie Baby Shower Cake

This cake a huge! It was one of the first time I didn't use fondant to cover my cake.

Here is an aerial view...

This cap was made of rice crispy treats and the bill required a couple of days to dry.

When they first asked for the cake they asked to make booties. I saw these little converse shoes and wanted to try them out. They agreed and I loved how they cake out.

Finished it off with Martinez on the sleeve and the LA logo on the other!

Chivas Cake

This was a white cake with strawberry mouse filling. I made it for my Daddy's birthday. He is a big Chivas fan and though I should make this for him. I had experimented with color flow and my previous sesame cake and wanted to try it again. So, the Chivas plaque is made of color flow, which is edible (although extremely sweet and hard).
My son was very curious to touch the cake...see his little hand. lol

Twilight inspired

This was a very last minute cake...I wanted to incorporate the cover of every Twilight book, I missed Blue Moon though. Unfortunately I did not have time to do the flower.

As you can see, gravity on my apple began to take a toll on it and lost its shape. It did not have enough time to dry.

Princess cake

This cake was for Princess Aaralyn...it was a chocolate cake with strawberry mouse filling. I loved this cake...it came out beautiful! simply yet elegant. Hapy Bday Aaralyn!

3D Lightening Mcqueen Cake

My First attempt at a 3D cake. I carved the cake using a white flavor, which I will never do again. I guess it is a learning process... it crumbed everywhere! Next time I will use mud cake or pound cake! All and all I loved it!

The front view.
Side View...the tires I made of cupcakes!
Back View...this has to be made days in advance in order to harden. The hardest thing is to get it to stay on!
An aerial view...as you can see it was a huge cake! I made a base to make it look a bit more elaborate, but know I think the cake was elaborate enough!