My Tiffany box cake...this isn't what I wanted it to look like, but I made it to order. I had a borrowed cake pan that just didn't work for me. The edges did not come out how I envisioned, however as I got closer the the finish I began to love it. Let me just say that making a box cake is harder than it looks!

Sesame street is one of my favorite shows growing up and my two year old son loves it! So I was excited to create this cake. My original plan fell through when I was planing it because my first plan required a lot of cake. So I researched a bit and combined a few sesame street cakes into one! I molded each figurine. By researching I found great advice on how to make the characters a bit more realistic. For example, with Oscar I used the grass tip (233) to texture him, with big bird I used the leaf tip (104) and used the bigger end to make "u" shapes all over his body and pulled some up to give him a feather look. With Cookie Monster (I know he looks fat) I just scraped him with a tooth pick.

For the bow, I made it the same day which I do not recommend because you need to give it time to dry, but since my first plan fell through I wasn't sure what I was going to do. Elmo was created out of color flow. It was my first time using color flow but it will not be the last. I loved how he came out. For the name, my hubby got me the cricut cake and I was able to just cut out the letters that way and they look perfect!

The other cakes will be coming later this month!