Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Carebear Cake
Futurama & Wall-e

This second cake was surprised by her co-workers. Because of a work joke they call Carol Wall-e and asked if I could make a wall-e cake for her Birthday.

Close up of wall-e and the sign of life back on earth!

And Eve-a.

Baby shower stork cake
Dodger Onsie Baby Shower Cake

This cap was made of rice crispy treats and the bill required a couple of days to dry.

When they first asked for the cake they asked to make booties. I saw these little converse shoes and wanted to try them out. They agreed and I loved how they cake out.

Finished it off with Martinez on the sleeve and the LA logo on the other!

Chivas Cake

My son was very curious to touch the cake...see his little hand. lol
Twilight inspired
Princess cake
3D Lightening Mcqueen Cake

My First attempt at a 3D cake. I carved the cake using a white flavor, which I will never do again. I guess it is a learning process... it crumbed everywhere! Next time I will use mud cake or pound cake! All and all I loved it!

An aerial view...as you can see it was a huge cake! I made a base to make it look a bit more elaborate, but know I think the cake was elaborate enough!
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Tiffany Box, and Sesame Street cake!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Roses, make up bag, and Kailan cakes!
This make up bag cake was created for God daughter/niece for her birthday. Since she was turning thirteen i wanted to make it girly and a bit grown up. I found a pic of this cake online and decided to duplicate it. For the make up bag, i used a 6in round cake and cut off a piece to give it a purse shape. I did not cover this cake with fondant, instead a template of each side and cut fondant to that size then created the stitch design then froze it and then placed it on each side it the cake. All in all, it came out great!

This has been my most challenging cake thus far. To create each character takes lots of time and patience. I printed out various pictures of the characters on the Nickelodeon website and traced them on parchment paper. The tricky part was that I needed to trace each piece separately, for example, on kai lan i traced her hair, then to the side her shape of her head, then each circle of her eye, etc... Then used each piece as a stencil over the fondant.

I bought a clay tool to use to create the string of the balloon. I am unsure the name of it but it has disc's that you insert to squeeze through the size shape of the string to come out of. This was the first time using it and I will continue to use it because creating a same size string free handed is extremely difficult.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Tokidoki, Zebra, and Willy Wonka

This Willy Wonka themed cake was made for my husbands best friend. I used brown fondant and piped the grass with a star tip. The top hat was made with a 3in cake pan that I found at Michaels. The most challenging part of this cake were the letters. I downloaded the Willy Wonka font and printed out the letters and used them as a stencil on the fondant. The letters alone took me two hours to complete. I loved the end result it was a simple, but great looking cake.

I was asked to create a wedding cake this month. My first reaction was, "you do know I'm a beginner!" My friend said "Yes." It was a small, but awesome backyard wedding. The couple was surprised with beautiful decorations and the cake. They both love tokidoki. So, I tried to make this trendy new brand a bit classy. This is what I came up with.

This next cake was made for my niece's/god daughter's 8th grade promotion. She loves zebra pink and Hot Pink. One of my friends loved it, she asked me to make the exact same one the following week but in blue.

Sunday, May 16, 2010
Captain Underpants and Dora
The inside was also great, I got the rainbow cake idea when watching the martha stewart show (you can get the recipe from her website). The kids loved it!

This is boots. I think he came out really good. I had the issues with Dora.

Swiper is my favorite. He came out perfect. Since he likes to hide and take Dora's things I hid him in between the leaves.
Practice Cake:
I do cakes with fondant, that is just easier for me. So, I decided I want to learn to do some icing flowers. So I learned to make roses out of icing and created this small cake.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010
April 2010 Mickey Party

Here is the cake I created. It was the second time I had ever made a cake. I seen a picture of it online and decided to do it. It looked pretty simple. Its not perfect but I loved it. I made the ears two days in advance with fondant to allow it to dry. I made four circles then put two together with a toothpick in the middle.

Since I decided on Mickey Mouse, I wanted to keep everything red and black with an occasional yellow. These are the goody bags I created for the children. I got red sandwich bags from a local party store and had left over card stock from the invites to use for the mickey silhouette. I used a pledge bottle for the large circle and an eye cream cap for the ears. I thought this was cute and simple.
I looked around for centerpieces and I found some nice ones at the local party store and thought they were too much, about six dollars each. They were made of cardboard with mickey and the gang. So, I decided to make my own to save money, but I spent about the same amount. I went to downtown L.A. and got six buckets (3 reds and 3 blacks), two sizes of Styrofoam balls (for mickey), Styrofoam stars, ribbon, and tissue paper and with a couple of hours this was created.
I learned to do so gumpaste flowers and made this cake for Easter